Enter PASSWORD to mount the SOAP BOX


If you don't have a password and want one, click on the MAIL TO ALAN button and request one
If you do not see a place to enter your password, you do not have a Java-enabled browser.
EMAIL me for further assistance

What is it?

  You type in your password to enter the bulletin board. If you don't have a
password and want to participate, EMAIL me by clicking HERE.

How does it work?

  You type in your password to enter the bulletin board. If you don't have a
password and want to participate, EMAIL me by clicking HERE.

What are those ads?

  This bulletin board is powered by a third-party provider. I need to do this as
I do not have privilages for putting programs on my ISP's host. The ads pay
for the service.

What are the rules at this party?

  • No spamming, no flaming, no libelous statements, nothing that could get
    me, Mindspring, or the bulletin board host sued.
  • No cussing on Sunday, fistfighting, throwing chicken bones on the rug,
    teasing the horses, cattle rustling, or expectorating except in the pewter
  • I will try to intervene as little as possible, but I did have to sign a TOS
    (Terms of Service) with both Mindspring and ezBoards, and so I have to
    ensure my site conforms with a few common-sense rule